Resident Canada Goose Nest & Egg Depredation Order Conditions
Pursuant to the Migratory
Bird Treaty Act and implementing regulations at 50 CFR 21.50 (Depredation order for resident
Canada geese nest and eggs), you, as the responsible registrant, are authorized
to addle and destroy resident Canada goose (Branta canadensis) nests and eggs subject to the following provisions and conditions:
1. You and your agents or employees
may addle or destroy all resident Canada goose eggs in nests found on the property(ies)
identified on the registration confirmation. Eggs may be treated by oiling, freezing,
shaking, or puncturing and immediately replacing the eggs in the nest, or you may
remove, destroy, and dispose of the eggs and nests. Anyone oiling eggs must use
100% corn oil.
2. Destroyed nest material and eggs may
be left in the field or disposed of by burial, incineration, or placement in outgoing
trash, in accordance with local ordinances. Nests and eggs may not be retained for
personal use. No one is authorized to sell, offer for sale, barter, or ship for
the purpose of sale or barter nests or eggs taken under the
3. You must incorporate nonlethal goose
management techniques, such as habitat manipulation or hazing, to the extent you
deem appropriate to discourage nesting.
4. You may not take any actions under
this depredation order that will adversely affect other migratory birds or species
listed under the U.S. Endangered Species Act (ESA). Any take of species protected under the ESA must be immediately reported to the FWS.
5. You may not addle or destroy resident
Canada goose nests and eggs if it is unlawful under applicable state, county, municipal,
or tribal government laws.
6. REPORTING REQUIREMENT: You must report the month, number and location
(county) of nests with eggs destroyed, by October 31 of the registration year.
Go to to
enter your login and password to access the Resident Canada Goose Registration
site. From the RCGR homepage, go to Report of Activity to make your entries.
(Note: You only need to report the number of nests with eggs that were addled or
destroyed. You do not need to report the number of individual eggs addled or
destroyed.) A report is required even if no nests and eggs were destroyed. You
cannot re-register for future seasons if you have an outstanding report.
Special Conditions to
Protect Federally Listed Threatened and Endangered Species
If the property is located in California, any control activities of resident Canada
geese in areas used by the following species listed under the Endangered Species
Act must be done in coordination with the appropriate local FWS field office (see either the list of California and Nevada Operations
Field Offices to locate the field office nearest
to your activities or the California State map indicating the locations of all FWS
offices and in accordance with standard local operating procedures for
avoiding adverse effects to the species or its critical habitat:
(A) Birds: Light-footed clapper rail,
Californiaclapper rail,
clapper rail,
least tern, southwestern willow flycatcher, least
’s vireo, western
snowy plover,
(B) Amphibians:
red-legged frog and
tiger salamander.
(C) Insects: Valley elderberry longhorn beetle and delta green ground beetle.
(D) Crustaceans: Vernal pool fairy shrimp, conservancy fairy shrimp, longhorn fairy
shrimp, vernal pool tadpole shrimp,
San Diego
fairy shrimp, and
(E) Plants: Butte County meadowfoam, large-flowered wooly meadowfoam, Cook’s lomatium,
Contra Costa goldfields, Hoover's spurge, fleshy owl’s clover, Colusa grass, hairy
Orcutt grass, Solano grass, Greene's tuctoria, Sacramento Valley Orcutt grass, San
Joaquin Valley Orcutt grass, slender Orcutt grass, California Orcutt grass, spreading
navarretia, and San Jacinto Valley crownscale.
California or Arizona:
If the property is located in California or Arizona, contact the Arizona Ecological
Services Office (for the Colorado River and Arizona sites
or the
Carlsbad Fish and Wildlife Office (for Salton Sea sites if control
activities are proposed in or around occupied habitats (cattail or cattail bulrush
marshes) to discuss the proposed activity and ensure that implementation will not
adversely affect clapper rails or their habitats.
: If the property is located in
, you may not destroy resident Canada goose
nests and eggs within 300 meters of a whooping crane nest.
: If the property is located in
, you may not destroy resident Canada goose nests and eggs within 300 meters of
sandhill crane nest.
Thank you for registering. You may amend your registration
through June 30. You
must report your activities, even if you have “no activity”, by October 31.